Walton Mark Lodge No161
Since someone decided to drive a bulldozer through Wellington Park at Leyland, Walton Mark Lodge No 161 has had a bit of a nomadic existence. That is why on a cold and very wet Tuesday evening in November, (the 26th to be exact), lodge members and visitors from all over the province set off for the Installation meeting at Wyrebank Bank Masonic Hall, Garstang. There was tea and coffee laid on when members arrived and everything was very convivial; so much so that even the Provincial Grand Tyler WBro Erin Gavan, PGStB, was smiling.
The calm before the storm
For many it was a first visit to this impressive venue, which helped to make it a great night.   WBro Giles Berkley, PGJD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, was in attendance to see WBro Hugh O’Neil, PPrGSwdB, install WBro David Sear PPrGSwdB, into the chair. 
Are you going to get ready worshipful master?
VBros Mike Clark and Rod Bennison
David Sear and Hugh O'Neil
WBro Berkley was also accompanied by WBro David Robinson, PPrGJW, one of the PGM’s Special Reps’.  Once the lodge DC, WBro Geoff Bury, PGJD, had got everyone in place the Master opened the lodge.   One of the items of business to be dealt with was the marking of the three original offices of the Walton Mark Lodge that retained their membership of the lodge, when Walton Mark Lodge had become ‘The Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge. These brothers are WBro Derek Horrocks, PGJD; WBro Peter Craven, PPrGInspWks and WBro Chris Douglas, PrGStwd. 
Giles Bury and David Sear
Once the accounts had been passed and Auditors elected, it was time for the Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies WBro Steve Walls, PGJD, to announce   WBro Giles Berkley, PGJD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master. After the procession had been admitted and greeted and the salutations were given, the WM placed his officers in the chairs for installation. WBro David Rigby, PrGSW took the senior wardens chair; WBro Kieron Mullan, PrGJW took the junior wardens chair and WBro Jack Parker, PGStB remained as the inner guard.
WM with Roland Alderton Master Elect
WBro Bury then presented the Master Elect for installation.   WBro O’Neil then installed, WBro David Sear in fine style.  Presentation of the working tools was done by WBro Roland Alderton, PPrGSD.   The Keystone Jewel was presented by WBro Derek Horrocks.   Then the lodge was treated to a first class Address to the Master by WBro Chris Walls, PrGMO.  WBro David Rigby, PrGSW gave the Wardens address and WBro Kieron Mullan, PrGJW the Overseers address. 
Among the officers appointed was, ‘The Steward’, (singular), who receives an ornate collaret and is also the Master Elect of the Lodge.  This year the honour fell to WBro Roland Alderton, PPrGSD.   With all the offices appointed and in place it was now time for the APGM WBro Giles Berkley to address the brethren.  Lots of words come to mind to describe quality of WBro Berkley’s address; however there is one word that covers it, excellent! 
Gles Berkley and WM
At the end of the ceremony the APM brought the congratulations of the RW Provincial Grand Master  to the new Master on taking the chair of such a prestigious lodge and he also to the Installing Master on a job well done. Once the lodge was closed there was a bit of private business to see too and the photos to take.   Now it was time for dinner.
The Provincial DC's get in on the act
I do not think that there were many who did not enjoy their Fish and Chips with mushy peas.   Some even had extra helpings of chips and mushy peas. WBro Giles was in fine form in his response to the toast to Grand Lodge. Giles is always able to portray enthusiasm when talking about the Charities and the good the works that the Mark Degree supports.
Alan Foster; Kieron Mullan; APGM; WM; David Rigby
WBro Berkley also praised the Royal Ark Mariner Ambassador, WBro Jack Parker for the number of Mariner members in the lodge. Giles also gave deserved praise to VWBro Rod Bennison for the hard work that he put in to establish Walton Mark as ‘The Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge and the continued work he does for the lodge on a day to day basis. This was met with much applause from all the assembled members.
Can we join in?
Thanks, must also go to Scorton Mark Lodge No1103 for the loan of their equipment and collars for the evening.    To celebrate going into the chair, WBro David Sear has taken his wife Sue away for a few days down in Brighton.  (Or was it because they were having the bathroom replaced at home?)  Whichever it was we congratulate David and wish him a very enjoyable year in the chair.   WBro Sear and all the Members of Walton Mark Lodge wish everyone and their families a Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year.
Friends from the top of the province
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell